Reconciliation Problem Resolved with
Strategic Accounting Services
Situation Overview
The president and CEO of a utility management company had a reconciliation problem.
"My company manages utility billings and water conservation services. Our deposits include utility payments that aren't ours to keep as well as our income. We struggled for about 10 years with how to properly reconcile deposits even though it's what I'd consider a basic accounting function."
The company had been in business for 34 years and worked with four accounting firms in that time. The first two were very small operations; eventually the company moved up to working with a mid-sized regional firm.
"When the new firm took over, they didn't challenge or change anything the previous accountants had done, which really surprised me. They just kind of 'rubber stamped' everything and had a very transactional approach. We weren't making any progress addressing our reconciliation issue and the CPA firm didn't engage in helping us figure it out."