3 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Job or Internship Offer

Written By:

Mikaela Serrano Moore


From the October Discovered: A College Newsletter

I know a lot of you are in between interviews and accepting that offer! For some of you this will be the time to accept to your first internship. For others, it will be accepting a full time offer. Regardless of where you stand, before accepting an offer, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this firm or company meet my personal criteria in what I am looking for in a firm or company?
  • Does this firm or company offer a growth model that can ensure my success?
  • How does this firm or company seek to value me as not only an employee but as a person?

Remember, one size doesn't fit all. What's right for you may not be the same thing that's right for your friend or classmate. This time is all about YOU and your needs in a career in accounting so let's make it count!

Talk soon,

Mikaela Serrano Moore

Talent Acquisition Specialist